Sunday, January 31, 2010

zebra print for thee friend

Hannah wanted zebra print. Well she calls it tiger print. same difference right?! (:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

NOTD ll.

nail of the day... again.

i've done this design one other time. i really like it because its super easy & looks great. the last time i did it i used white as the base and the same black and blue glitter lines.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


NOTD=nails of the day.
i'm thinking about doing this everytime I change up me nails. weather its just a plain solid color or a design. I've got a nail tutorial on this on my channel if any of you are wondering. I just used different colors. This design is one my favorites and one that I do kind of often. my mom loves it as well (:

Monday, January 4, 2010

Giveaway winner!

& the winner is....


-stay tuned for my giveaways & future contests!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Beauty Survey ....

It's almost 2 in the morning! I found this little survey floating around in cyber world. Decided I really needed a post, so here it goes..

1.What time did you do your makeup today?
Mmm.. I'd say around 12:20

2. What's the least expensive beauty item you used?
Revlon Matte eyeshadow 'rich sable' (for my brows)

3. What was the biggest problem you needed to correct?
my brows. I can never get my left brow to look good, or at least get it somewhat similar to my right.

4. Did you apply false eyelashes?
yes. the half ones.

5. Did you do anything while applying makeup?
listen to music.

6. Biggest makeup mishap today? brows?

7. Did you have a makeup inspiration in mind?
today I was kind of inspired my lorraine (thecurrentcustom) on youtube/blog.

8. What's the most time-consuming part of your makeup routine? eyelashes. you should've seen them back then, you couldn't even notice them, now when you see me in person your like woah, are those real asian lashes?! lol

9. What's part of your routine is the most fun?
before, i'd say the eyeshadows, and it still applys but I don't wear much shadows now a days. I like to experiment with my blush/bronzer/highlighter. & try to achieve the "perfect" glow.

10. What part of your makeup makes the biggest difference in the way you look?
hmmm... i guess the eye stuff.. inluding the brows btw (: but really, that's only if I had to choose.

11. Neutral or colorful eyeshdaow?
both. but now, i like to achieve the 'natural' look that people get jealous of ^.^ lol. but splashing a pop of color & experimenting with color is always fun. You can't ever go wrong with neutrals.

12. Liquid or mineral foundation?
uhh... the MAC studiofinish concealer... i don't use actual foundation.

13. Do you do your hair or makeup first?
depends. i first do my hair after i brush my teeth when I have really messy hair. but when it looks like the pretty waves i wake up too then I just leave it or just do it after my makeup.

14. Did you pack a makeup bag to take with you for the day?
err.. not today. i hardly carry much makeup.

15. When did you finish your makeup?
few minutes after i started. (:

*So. it's getting kind of depressing. Technically today is monday morning, so that means I've got only one more day of break! ]:

But thinking on the bright side.... I've got just another semester until summer!

Right now I'm slightly cleaning my room & planning on how to redecorate my room. I even took down the mini christmas tree I had in my room... maybe I can find a picture of it for my next post. but this is it for now (: